トーストマスターズクラブでのGeneral Evaluatorの役割

General Evaluatorの役割


トーストマスターズクラブの例会におけるGeneral Evaluatorの役割は、evaluation sessionの進行役を担うとともに、例会全体のevaluation、prepared speaker以外の役割についてのフィードバックを行うことである。prepared speakerに対する論評は、Evaluatorがつくので、基本General Evaluatorは論評の対象にしないのである。





evaluation sessionの進行原稿

以下は、 実際に自分で準備したevaluation sessionの進行原稿である。


Thank you, Toastmaster of the evening XXXXXXXX.

This is the evaluation session of our meeting.


I will condact this session tonight.

First I will call our evaluator for a prepared speech, and then I will evaluate this meating in general.


Talking about Toastmaster’s evaluation, we try find your strength and give positive feedback.

Positive feedback gives you motivation to enhance communication and leadership.

evaluator will talk for 2 minutes to 3 minutes.

Are you ready?


Our evaluator is TM XXXXXXX, evaluating TM XXXXXXX’s speech, “___________________.”
Please welcome TM XXXXXXX.


Thank you TM XXXXXXXX.


OK.Now timer’s report.

Timer, TM XXXXXXXX, could you report times?


Thanks for timer’s report.

As you can hear, evaluator is eligible.


OK.Now let me introduce Ah-counter. Please welcome XXXXXXXX.

could you report your ah-counter’s report?


Thanks for Ah-counter’s report.


Now, I will evaluate this meating in general.

Our meeting began on time tonight.

Tonight, we had a new member TM XXXXXXXX, and we were able to invite two guests, TM XXXXXX  and Ms.XXXXXXXX. Guests were given an opportunity of the self-introduction.

I thought that guests were welcomed by other members in warm atmosphere.

At the beginning of prepared speech, Toastmaster of the evening introduced tonight’s prepared speaker, TM XXXXXXXX, appropriately.

And also, timer, ah counter, vote counter were introduced by Toastmaster of the evening, properly.


Table topics master.

Tonight, table topics master was TM XXXXXXX, her management of this long session was remarkable.

she provided very unique NOT ordinary topics xxxxxxx to perticipants.

That’s helps us to think what we never think in ordinary days.

Its only in her table topic session.

And she was able to get ideas from perticipants, facilitated table topic session.

The most significant achievement she did was make almost all of participants talk throughout this session. No one just sit down in front of PC in silence.

Table topic master is like a host or hostess of home party. Distribution of time in which we talk is similar to delivery of dish out the food for everyone at the party.

she provided many oppotunities to talk about ourselves through table topics session.

table topic session has finished successfully by her leadership.


Toastmaster of the evening

TM XXXXXXX is not only reliable, but also playful.

Icebreaking talk was great, we laugh a little bit and relaxed, and became excited about what’s to come later.

And I felt his hospitality to all members and guests, everwhere, for example introduction for prepared speaker, table topicmaster and guests.

because of supplementary information he mentions at the beginning or between of each session, we were able to Understand more deeply about session and person who will talk or talked.

There is no heavy silence throughout this meating, because he tried to continue talking, depending on situation.

I thought these things lead to smooth organization of this meating.



TM XXXXXXXX used sandwich-method efficiently.

Strongpoint,strongpoint,strongpoint,greatpoint,at last advice to improve.

So, his advice make speaker who receive his comments more motivated to improve skills.


And I also appreciate, ah counter, vote counter, timer, other members, but time wouldn’t allow to continue anymore.

That’s all of my General Evaluation. I will return the control of the meeting to Toastmaster of the evening, TM XXXXXXXX.


注釈)私が参加しているクラブの例会は夜開催されるため、Toastmaster of the evening、となっている。

通常はToastmaster of the day である。


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