トーストマスターズクラブにおける2回目のprepered speech


  • テーマを決める
  • 原稿を書く
  • 練習する
  • スピーチする
  • 振り返る


  1. 安全領域
  2. 中間領域
  3. 危険領域






First, I’d like to share a video I recorded.

<movie file 0:00-1.00> (with explanation below.)

This video is 7 minutes before landing to OSAKA airport.

Just after the airplane crossed Mt. Ikoma, night view of OSAKA jumped into my eyes.

A lot of lights on the ground were like studded with jewels.

I’ve just thought of an idea.

I took off my smartphone, and started recording a video of the night view to share with you here.

There was no preparation for recording of night view, when I was aboard on airplane.

But an idea hit upon to me suddenly during the flight.


<movie file stop>


If you would like to make your life and work more interesting and more productive, you need a break.

Especially, clearing your brain is effective to get a new idea.

I usually clear my brain by boarding on airplanes, because it is a great break for me.

For someone, it may be playing golf, for another one, it may be playing musical instruments.

I believe that a great break brings with a great idea.

So, we need a great break.


1000 years ago, a chinese politician also mentioned about “where great ideas were produced”.

He said, it was “on the horse”, “in the bed”, and “in the restroom”.
These three places are breaks everyone can do easily.


Now, I’m confident that great idea occurs “on the horse”, this means “on the transportation” nowadays, for example, train, bus, plane, and so on.

Because I always think of great ideas on the transportation, like this time.


In fact, I had already prepared another theme for tonight’s speech before my trip, but I changed all of that.

Because an idea hit upon to me.


As you can see from the video, night view from the airplane is great, and that makes my brain clear completely.

You may say “airplane ticket is expensive”.

Yes, it is. Unfortunately.

But, there is a way to travel by airplane with no cost.

And I can offer it.

Why don’t you go back to the video.


<movie file 3:15-7:00> (with explanation)


No break, No idea.

That’s concludes my speech.

Toastmaster Of the Evening.



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